New home and maybe business?

We moved again. Not since last post - no it's the same house. But we moved some 50m from the old log cabin to a bigger house. From the beginning I wasn't entirely sure about if I wanted to move, since i loved the cabin. But now I can't believe how small that cabin was.

So, what am I doing? Well, I'm enjoying beeing with Dutchy most of the time I'm in SL. I have got some time to do some things though. I've created and scripted an AFK outhouse for Hajduk, which seems to be a big success. He just say "afk" and sit down in the outhouse that automatically appears. When he stands up, the outhouse is gone. So far the outhouse itself is a freebie made by someone else, but I'm working on creating my own outhouse so I can be able to sell it. Time is my enemy here though.

These are things I want to be able to sell eventually. I am not at all planning to gain any money from SL, but it would be nice if I didn't need to chip in too much RL money every month just to pay the rent.
If you come for a visit, you have to see my virtual RL in SL... It's a skybox I made for Dutchy where you can view a complete 360 degree panorama from RL. I have got some really good responses for that box. So far it features some of my own panoramas from my hometown. I will eventually script this, to be able to change panoramas with a touch of a button. Also I will add some ambient sounds to it.
If you want to see more, check out my RL panorama site